Home for the Holidays

Every time I go home for the holidays, I get really nostalgic, I get the itch to move back and lately, I've been getting really inspired. I grew up in a small suburb of Pittsburgh called North Braddock - first ward to be exact (back then, calling out your ward meant something - maybe it still does.) It is the town that my father grew up in and his father and his father's father and his father's father's father...you get the picture. We've been occupying this land since the early 1800's. North Braddock represents just a few streets on the hills of Braddock - the "birth place of steel." And back in it's heyday, Braddock Avenue was compared to NYC's Fifth Avenue because the shopping scene was top notch. 

But when I grew up there, it was a depressed steel town, there were few businesses and we had a bad reputation. As soon as I graduated high school, I got out of there as fast as I could. Over the years, things have changed and for the better. What I predicted in a fifth grade writing assignment about the future of Braddock (which hangs on a plaque in the mill) is starting to come true. The town is undergoing a revitalization and artists, craftsman and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the rich history and cheap real estate. The same can be said for Pittsburgh as a whole too. 

I decided to take my husband back to Braddock to show him a glimpse of my childhood. We went to Mass to hear my father sing in the choir, we visited the neighboring Catholic school where I spent nine years of my life and we stopped by my father's old job - the post office - a place I used to frequent often. The streets still look tough, but it's slowly turning and that's exciting. It's make me smile and it's inspiring and maybe one day I'll come home. 


If you ever find yourself in Braddock, be sure to check out Brew Gentleman for a beer. And soon you'll be able to dine at one of Pittsburgh's top chef's establishments. You can read more about it here

Thoughts on Weekend to Work Wear

Remember when it was 60 degrees? That was nice. We shot these photos during that 48-hour window on Sunday. I wore this outfit again on Tuesday to work. I figured it was a slow week and I had plans to go to the Billy Joel concert that night so it felt appropriate, but a small part of me felt like a badass and thought maybe it wasn't the right move. Why is my struggle with wearing work-appropriate clothing so real? And this is not something new. When it was time to apply for a job in the real world, my only criteria that I was heavily weighing was if I could wear jeans to the office or not. I'm sorry, mom. This criteria has stuck with me over the past ten years and I have yet to accept a job where I couldn't push the dress code limit at least one day a week.

For so many reasons, I want to raise the bar with work wear. I'm not saying I don't love this outfit, but it probably should be saved for a Sunday as with most of my clothes. Here is why I need to step it up:

1. My dad has taught me from a young age to "dress for the job you want, not the job you have." He's notorious for overdressing and always looks sharp. And though he served as a mailman for 30 years in the same uniform, he found many opportunities to clean up and I get my love of fashion from him. I get my shopping addiction from my mom.

2. I think it will make me look older and by default, people will take me more seriously. I hate to say this still happens - people lessening your credibility due to your youthful appearance - but it happens. I can't tell you how many people treat me differently when they find out I'm approaching 32. They also get jealous.

3. It's always best to overdress in any situation because you never know where the day might take you. The more projects I'm assigned to at work, the more visibility I have to senior leaders. This kind of scares me because my candor is sometimes unexpected, but at least I'll be dressed to impress. I'll also be more inclined to do something fun after work instead of rushing to my couch. 

So with all that said (and that was a lot and so far from where I thought I was going with this post,) I'm committing yet again to find a work style that feels comfortable and appropriate. Are you ready?!

Until next time...

Shop this look: sweater dress from Levi's (it's 30% off the entire site right now!), cardigan is so old hence the stains, but similar here and here, hat from Zarabag from Elliott Lucca - a couple years old, but I love this one too, boots from Free People, sunglasses from Ray-ban

Sweater Weather

So, I had a crazy Saturday night. I spent it at H&M (the one in Columbus Circle if that matters.) It was peaceful and quiet and organized. I even spotted a few leather Alexander Wang pieces, but just couldn't spend that much money. I did, however, come across lots of cute sweaters - two of which I'm wearing in this post.  They are so comfy! I'll probably be wearing this little sweater jacket all winter - get ready. I'm also bringing back this bucket bag from Elliott Lucca. I haven't used it in years and I have no idea why I ever stopped loving it. I'm sorry, bucket bag. To see more pics of this look, head over to my Instagram page! Depending on when you go there, you'll also notice that I'm in Seattle for a work trip. I'll be taking to the streets to talk the latest beauty trends! Yes, this is my life. Besides drinking coffee and eating doughnuts, what else should I do? I've never been! Help!

Shop this look: red sweater from H&M, sweater jacket also from H&M - searched for hours to find the link online and could not find, so making up with this gem, jeans from Obey (similar here and here), heels from Free People, bag from Elliott Lucca - a couple years old, but I love this one too, necklace from Jennifer Zeuner, vintage watch. 

Shop more H&M sweaters below. 

In a Plaid Mood

I've been buying scarfs and shoes non-stop lately mainly because A) I'm freezing ALWAYS and B) I'm trying to amp up my casual gear so I can get away with wearing clothes like this to work. I know, I know - it's too casual and I fully intend on stepping it up, but this is OK for a Friday, right? Check back soon for some fancy fashion! Promise. 

P.S. Check out the fun video I made to show off this look in action. What do you think?


Shop this outfit: scarf from Free People, coat from Zara, plaid shirt from Zara - no longer available, but this is similar, jeans are so old, but lately I've been obsessed with these from Madewell and plan to buy soon, shoes from DSW, glasses from Oliver Peoples, coffee from Grumpy