White Fig and Avocado Toast with Pickled Onions
/I'm still devastated by the fact that the fig tree in our backyard nearly died after the winter we had, leaving us with nothing to harvest this year. If anyone has been reading my blog over the years, you know that I become a crazy fig lady come late Summer, into Fall ever since we moved to this apartment. I even launched Fig Week on the blog back in August of 2012.
This sadness turned into a craving, which resulted in an hour-long hunt only to find zero figs (much, if not all, of the east coast lost their fig trees after the winter of 2013; however we were lucky enough to nurse it back to health - just took some serious pruning.) After getting turned away from four grocers, I decided to take a look at the tree - again, the tree that hasn't blessed us with ripe figs this season - and guess what?! I found two little guys - ripe and ready to eat.
I quickly put together a nice little breakfast and man, was it good. If you're lucky enough to find figs this season or live in the west-coast, I recommend you try.
Serves 2
- 2 slices of sourdough bread
- 1 avocado
- 1/4 tsp minced garlic
- 2-3 figs, sliced
- pickled onions - recipe here
- sea salt
- olive oil
Throw bread slices in the toaster.
While the bread is getting nice and toasty, mash avocado and add garlic.
Spread avocado on bread and top with figs and pickled onions.
Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt and drizzle a little spoonfull olive oil to finish.
Enjoy with a nice cup of tea like Organic Detox from David's Tea.
P.S. - any tips to prepare a fig tree for the cold weather? We're hearing that the winter is going to be worse than the last, so need to take every precaution. Let us know if the comments. Thanks!