Fall Transitions

Happy Monday! Can you believe the weekend is over? From the looks of social media, I can see that almost everyone enjoyed Fall-centric activities - apple and pumpkin-picking, cider drinking and hayrides. As for myself, my husband and I continued our progress to start a life here in Pittsburgh. For everyone who liked, shared, commented on my last post about this topic, THANK YOU! The support means the world to me, and as I sit down to write this, I'm reminded of something my new yoga instructor said tonight - "Life is a constant work in progress." This statement couldn't have meant more to me than it does right now. I'm in a new city with a new job, surrounded by memories of my past, fighting to move forward. But luckily, I have you guys and my family, and WIP is not so bad. 

What is also not so bad is my new neighborhood and if you can find walls like this, you know it's on the up and up. I paired this mural with my brand new outfit from Nordstrom aka the best place ever. When my boxes didn't arrive for FIVE days, I took a trip to the mall and scooped this ensemble in 20 minutes flat. You can't beat that! And guess what? It's the perfect look for Fall-centric activities, which I hope to do soon before that bandwagon takes off and we're welcoming Winter!

P.S. I'm now on Bloglovin'! Follow me here to stay up-to-date on my posts, plus follow all of your favorite bloggers in one place!

SHOP THIS LOOK: Tunic from Free People, jeans from Topshop, slingback booties from Splendid, backpack from The Sak - no longer available, but love this one too!

Casual December Days


These past few days have been so relaxing. December is probably the best month ever - you basically work for two weeks, you're showered with gifts, if you're lucky enough you're awarded a little bonus to treat yourself with something nice, you get to spend time with family and you finally have time to run all the errands you've been meaning to do for the past 12 months. If only every month was like December. Here's wishing 2015 can be as stress-free as these last few days of 2014. 

Shop this look: hat from Free People (on sale!), coat from Pendleton - old, but similar here, jeans from Top Shop, shoes from Bloomingdales - sold out, but similar here, backpack from Rebecca Minkoff, coffee from Cafe Grumpy.